100 things about Anna

Thursday, May 18, 2006

1. My real name is Annaliza Uy Baetiong and my mother got Annaliza from the Teleserye "Annaliza" starring Julie Vega.

2. My friends usually call me Anna or Nannah

3. My bestfriend Mary is the one who make my nickname Nannah

4. I'm a 2nd year college in Centro Escolar University and my new college friends call me Pepay

5. I'm a volleyball varsity player

6. I dream of being an International Volleyball Player

7. I also love to play guitars..

8. My fate has tossed into the prosaic world of Nursing

9. I really hate diet

10. I feel naked without Earrings

11. Hello Kitty freak!

12. Coke-aHoliC

13. Willing to sacrifice anything and everything for Janus a man who'll prove to me that not all men are the same.

14. Certified true Cheerleader!

15. BorNDiva!

16. Vocalist of my band Blo0dy Souls.

17. Performed also as a vocalist on our class Band named Gayuma "Love falters"

18. Easily gets Jealous.

19. PIU Exceed 2 addict!

20. Action star wannabe.. Best describes as Angelina Jolie and Lucy Liu.

21. Hunk-a-do0dles to Vin Diesel and Johny Depp

22. My favorite colors are violet, purple and Lavander..

23. chopsticks are my Fashion StatemEnt

24. ShopaholiC... wala namang pambili!

25. I love organizing my ro0m..

26. Hates Examinations but loves to study

27. My favorite subject is Math. Especifically, Statistics.

28. Loves to collect CDs.

29. My favorite OPM bands right at this very moment are MYMP, Spongecola, Cueshe', Imago, Kitchie Nadal, Mayonaise, Orange & Lemons

30. I love collecting Bags

40. Among the four elements, Water is my favorite.

41. Wishes to go to Bora and Puerto Galera

42. The Last Thing I bought for Myself is an Hello Kitty I.D. Lace

43. I love giving and receiving letters.

44. I turned 18 last October 23, 2005

45. Laughs sarcastically!!!

46. I'm a class clown!

47. I love being praised by people

48. I certainly thumbs-down guys who smokes

49. I'm a natural laid back..

50. I only get feminine occasionally.. because I usually wear dresses.. *and it sucks!*

51. The most georgeous portrait that I have is during my Graduationg picture Taking for the batchbo0k..

52. LRT Line 2 is my means of transportation to and from school.

53. I prefer using a face powder rather than a make-up.

54. I hate it when I vomit!

55. I love reading books.

56. I'm the eldest among my brothers.

57. Im 100 % Extrovert!

58. I serve God. Official member of Parish Youth Ministry (PYM) and Lector, Commentator, Psalmist, Auxilary (LCPA).

59. I'm Nocturnal every Summer.

60. I have a High Clairvoyance.

61. Ipis-phobia

62. I have 2 pet dogs namely Blew and Sanchai

63. I don't like Back-stabbers

64. I Wish to have a Yamaha Drumset and a guitar in my ro0m

65. I find it difficult to save money! I spend a lot on fo0d!

66. I have cooking-capabilities

67. I'm craving for Japon (Japanese Cake)

68. My favorite number is 5

69. My kikay kit is only composed of a face powder, a lip gloss, a cologne and a hair brush.

70. I Usually panic when I have problems.

71. When I have problems, I laugh.. so no one knows!

72. My ritual before I sleep is PRAYING.

73. I want to get married at the age of 25

74. Wants to be an Extra-ordinary Businesswoman..

75. My parents wants me to pursue nursing then go abroad to my uncle and earn lots of dollars which in fact I'm not happy about it.

76. I usually lie to my parents.

77. I terribly hate myself because I'm not gifted physically

78. I am a mapan-lait kind of person!

79. Fave Food: Sinigang & Chicken Afritada

80. Top 3 fave T.V. Shows: MTV, Myx, Smallville

81. I want to help somebody and teach them a valuable lesson

82. When I was a kid, I used to aim to be a teacher

83. I love directing sing and dance interpretations. I used to direct those when I was in High school

84. I dream of being a part of Musical plays, most especially being "Belle" of Beauty and the Beast.

85. I used to play Lutu-lutuan when I was 12 years old.

86. I did not took up Nursery, I was accempted to KInder.

87. I'm somehow "One of the Boys!"

88. Janus is my First boyfriend & it lasted for about 4 years & half.

89. I'm fond of watching Singing contest.

90. My greatest fear is losing anyone of the family and most especially Janus.

91. I'm optimistic.

92. Always wears mask.

93. Terribly misses my Lolo.

94. I find it easily to be insecure.

95. I really love Amusement Parks

96. I'm adventurous!

97.I don't smoke and drink.. Hanggang coke lang ako!

98. I'm a go0d counciloR.. I'm go0d at giviNg advice!

99. My Family is the greatest gift, God has given me

100. I'm contented with my life! Nothing more to ask for!